The last few years have seen a growing number of companies starting digital transformation (DX)* initiatives as a part of overall business reforms. But most have yet to show progress in accomplishing their goals—anything achieved tends to be limited to relatively small-scale measures. We have found this issue to plague both companies that hastily set off without an overarching vision for DX, as well as those that did state a vision.
This is one finding from our December 2021† survey of companies with sales over ¥10 billion. The survey showed that “formulating a DX vision” is a low priority among companies that have just stated one. In other words, companies assume the task to be done once they have put together the first rendition of their vision. However, a company’s DX vision shows its true colors for a second time as subsequent initiatives are derived from it and plans put into action based on it. What these findings point to is a phenomenon where companies rediscover the value and significance of their DX vision in ways they were unaware of when first setting off.
This is one finding from our December 2021† survey of companies with sales over ¥10 billion. The survey showed that “formulating a DX vision” is a low priority among companies that have just stated one. In other words, companies assume the task to be done once they have put together the first rendition of their vision. However, a company’s DX vision shows its true colors for a second time as subsequent initiatives are derived from it and plans put into action based on it. What these findings point to is a phenomenon where companies rediscover the value and significance of their DX vision in ways they were unaware of when first setting off.
* Digital transformation. DX means using data and digital technologies for business reforms, or to create new businesses to improve a company’s competitiveness. Companies must take steps such as digitizing analog data (digitization) and revamping work operations and processes using digital technologies (digitalization) to make DX happen. In this article, DX includes all of these processes
†Online questionnaire survey conducted in December 2021. Respondents were employees of companies with sales over ¥10 billion