Quality Management Policy

Basic Philosophy

We, the Mitsubishi Research Institute, continually envision a desirable future, work to resolve societal issues, and lead change in society to co-create a sustainable and abundant future. These principles are founded in our commitment to quality, which to us means customer satisfaction.

Fundamental Approach

  1. We recognize that our services have value only if they contribute to the development of our customers' businesses.
  2. We undertake research and develop solution-oriented proposals, do analyses to inform visions for the future, design and test concepts, and carry out social implementations leveraging decades of accumulated knowledge in multiple disciplines in order to help society resolve the issues it faces.
  3. We work untiringly to uncover customers’ latent needs in order to accurately gauge what they truly require of us.
  4. We work proactively to improve the quality of our services in order to provide customers the sophisticated level of quality they deserve.
  5. We work continually to improve the effectiveness of our quality management system, reviewing it on an ongoing basis in order to fulfill our commitment to quality.
 Enacted: July 10, 2002
Version 8: October 1, 2022

Kenji Yabuta
Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.