Our Guiding Principles

2020 marked the 50th year of the Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI). We have renewed our guiding principles

We, the Mitsubishi Research Institute, will continually envision a desirable future, resolve societal issues, and lead change in society to co-create a sustainable and abundant future.

Our Mission ( What we strive to accomplish )

To resolve societal issues and co-create a sustainable, abundant future

Our Vision ( How we intend to do it )

Envisioning the future, leading change

Our Commitments ( What our professionals are dedicated to )

1. Devotion to Growth: Continually honing our value to society and our customers

We are devoted to providing society and our customers with the solutions necessary to resolve issues.
As professionals, we will continually refine our individual value and encourage one another’s growth in anticipation of the needs of our customers and of emerging trends in technology and society.

2. Collective Knowledge: Acting as a hub between diverse branches of knowledge

We bridge diverse branches of knowledge, while respecting individuality and differences, within the MRI group and society at large, in Japan and around the world.
We form new combinations of existing knowledge and promote co-creation between society, customers, and partners.

3. A Clear Stance: Using scientific insights to discern the proper path toward the ideal future

We will continually envision the ideal world of the future, conceptualizing and clearly communicating the proper path to its realization.
In taking a clear stance on the proper course of action, we will be faced with objection and criticism, but we will base our position on scientific insights, values, and a collaborative spirit of co-creation.

4. Taking on Challenges: Transforming the world in new ways

We aim to change the world by leading the way with concrete and swift action.
By taking action and going beyond simply making recommendations, we can break through the barriers delineated by stubborn precedent and thus earn the approval of society and our customers.

5. Reality: Devotion to feasible recommendations and their implementation

We value practical wisdom gained through experience and strive to make realistic recommendations.
We are devoted to making our recommendations a reality, collaborating with our various stakeholders along the way.